Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) is a membership-based organisation guided by a constitution and governed by a voluntary elected Council. The Association was founded in September 1982 at Treverton, South Africa, as a result of interaction between educationalists and environmentalists. It is a multidisciplinary Association concerned with quality education processes that lead to changes of attitude and behaviour towards the environment. EEASA has always taken a broad view of the environment and environmental processes: these are socio-ecological, socio-political, socio-economic, and at the heart of it there is the need to protect the integrity and viability of the ecological systems. This broader view of environment resonates with the principles of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Ever since the UN declared the decade for ESD 2005 – 2015 environmental educators and practitioners in southern Africa have embraced ESD as it articulates issues they have grappled with since the formation of EEASA in 1982. Read more about our history.