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Eco-hacks for your home

Climate change, plastic in the ocean, the loss of old growth & tropical forests – many of the environmental challenges we face are so big...

Planting a food forest

Forests are the most productive eco-systems on land. When plants are layered on all levels from root to leaf canopy, the greatest diversity and biomass...

How to choose the best breed of chicken for your needs

Chickens have been domesticated by man for around 8,000 years and come in every conceivable shape & size in over 500 recognized breeds – even...

Using drip irrigation to save water growing trees and crops

Drip irrigation is a form of micro-irrigation and is undoubtedly one of the most significant innovations for growing more food and plant bio-mass with less...

The Benefits of Perennial species in dryland farming

Perennial – “lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.” Annual – “occurring once every year.” Much of the...

Using Swales to Grow Trees

A swale is quite simply a ditch & downhill mound (also known as a berm) dug on a contour. It can be anything from 5...

Saving money on chicken feed

The number one cost of most backyard chicken keeper is feed. In many places, household scale chicken owners might only just be able to produce...

How to make heirloom yogurt at home

Real yogurt (or yoghurt if you are British) has only 2 ingredients, milk and cultures. Yogurt making at home has become more popular as more...

Book Review: The Humanure Handbook

In a world that is increasingly facing shortages of clean water, the Humanure Handbook promotes an alternative method for processing human bodily waste. Instead of...

Product Review: Tree Trays

There have been quite a few new products available over the past few years that help young trees grow faster and protect soil from drying...
